UiPath - RPA Infrastructure Training- Quiz Answers

These are some of the questions that may appear in the lesson quizzes of the course, the green one are the correct answer, and the red ones are incorrect. Not all of them were answered correctly, but at least you will know the incorrect one XD.(Still watch the videos of the training and try to do it yourself, Happy Automation!)
This course had some quizes before the final quiz and in the final some questions where repeated so it jus have the one that are new, press ctrl+f to find the question

Quiz - High Level Arch and deployment options

Top of Form
Single choice
1) What is the TCP port used by the Robot to connect to Orchestrator?
the port being listened to by Orchestrator
Score: 10
Single choice
2) What are the Orchestrator components whose redundancy needs to be ensured by the High Availability deployment option?
The SQL Database and Elasticsearch, as they are the only persistent data components
The Web Application and Elasticsearch
The Web Application and the SQL database, because Elasticsearch is optional
All the components of the solution
Score: 10
Single choice
3) What are the actions performed by the executor?
receiving the Start message from Orchestrator and calling another Executor to open the required XAML file
reading and executing the automation scripts (XAML files) and communicating with the Agent
communicating with Orchestrator
Score: 10
Single choice
4) What are the possibilities provided by an active-active Disaster Recovery model?
Robots can be triggered to run from both Data Centers, because they connect to the same Orchestrator farm
Robots can only be triggered from the Primary data center, because those from DR Data Center can only be used in case of a disaster
Score: 10
Single choice
5) Who communicates with Orchestrator directly?
The UiPath Agent Windows service
The Executor
Score: 10
Single choice
6) Is the SQL database mandatory for Orchestrator?
No, it can be replaced with Elasticsearch
Yes, only SQL Server is supported
Yes, any Relational database, such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, is supported
Score: 0
Single choice
7) Where can the messages sent by the robots to Orchestrator be stored?
Only in the SQL database, if Elasticsearch is not used
In both the SQL database and Elasticsearch
Only in Elasticsearch, if this optional component is included in the solution
In one or more targets, which can include the SQL database, Elasticsearch, as well as other targets
Score: 10
Single choice
8) What needs to be done as a minimum recommendation to provide a Disaster Recovery solution?
Replicate the data stored in SQL DB and Elasticsearch, plus the NuGet packages delivered to the robots, because this is the only persisted data
Replicate the data stored in SQL DB and Elasticsearch, because this is the only persisted data
Replicate all the machines in the Primary Data Center to the Disaster Recovery one
Score: 0
Single choice
9) What happens when the Start button in Orchestrator is clicked to start a Job?
Orchestrator waits for the next heartbeat from the Agent and sends back the Start command as an acknowledgement of the heartbeat
Orchestrator creates a RDP connection to the robot, using the credentials set on the Robots page, and then starts the process on the robot machine
Orchestrator sends the Start command to the Agent using the WebSocket channel that was created by the Agent
Score: 10
Single choice
10) When Orchestrator is deployed in the cloud, where can the robots be located?
The robots must be on premises for security reasons, and a VPN from the intranet to the cloud needs to be created
The robots must be on premises for security reasons, and Orchestrator needs to be publicly accessible from the Internet
The robots must be in the cloud too, to be able to connect to Orchestrator
The robots can be located either in the cloud or on premises, as long as the Orchestrator URL is accessible to them
Score: 10
Quiz - Administrative Features

Top of Form
Single choice
1) Who receives the email alerts sent by Orchestrator?
A specific group of users that you can configure in Orchestrator
The users with the Administrator role
The users with a valid email address and View permission on alerts
The users that are currently logged in to Orchestrator
Score: 10
Single choice
2) Who can create Roles?
Administrators only
Any user with at least the Create permission on Roles
Any user with at least View and Create permission on Roles
Any user with at least the View permission on Users and the View and Create permissions on Roles
Score: 10
Single choice
3) If Orchestrator encounters an error and can’t display the requested page anymore, where can the details of the error be found?
The log files of Orchestrator
The Windows Event log of the Orchestrator machine
The SQL database
The location that is currently configured in web.config to hold Orchestrator errors
The browser
Score: 10
Single choice
4) What are the available roles right after the Orchestrator installation?
Administrator and Robot
Administrator, Robot and Developer
Score: 10
Single choice
5) Which of the following statements about users is true?
When a local user is created, the password does not have to be provided to log in
When a local user is created, the input of the domain name field has to be “‘local”
When a domain user is created, the password does not have to be provided to log in
Score: 10
Single choice
6) What are some useful recommendations for the Orchestrator administrator?
Encrypt the secureAppSeetings section in web.config
All the options apply
Create multiple roles and assign them to the users; not all the users should be able to log in with the Administrator role
Change admin password after the first login
Score: 10
Single choice
7) Which of the following statements about project publishing in Studio is false?
A project published from a Studio instance that is connected to Orchestrator is immediately used by the robots that share the environment with that Studio instance
A project published from a Studio instance that is connected to Orchestrator requires manual approval before being used by the robots that share the environment with that Studio instance
A project published from a Studio instance that is connected to Orchestrator is sent directly to Orchestrator without creating a local copy
Score: 10
Single choice
8) What are the supported targets for the messages logged by the robots and collected by Orchestrator?
One or more targets; the messages can even be discarded
Either the SQL database or Elasticsearch
Only SQL database and Elasticsearch
Score: 10
Quiz - Elasticsearch and Kibana

Top of Form
Single choice
1) What is Kibana is used for?
Creating and displaying charts and dashboards
Searching through messages stored in Elasticsearch
All the options apply
Creating index patterns
Score: 10
Single choice
2) Orchestrator uses the NLog library to collect logs from several sources and redirect them to different targets. What type of target is Elasticsearch?
A custom target that is accessible through an extension
A natively supported target
A standard target
Score: 10
Single choice
3) Which of the following statements about the use of Elasticsearch with Orchestrator is false?
There is a separate index created for each tenant
There is one index created for each month, with all the tenants, the separation being ensured logically\ by the tenantID field
There is one index created for each month, for every tenant
Score: 10
Single choice
4) Why is it required to create at least one index pattern in Kibana?
To be able to distinguish between different tenants
To be able to distinguish between the different months of the year
To be able to access all the indices that match that pattern, considering that a new monthly index is created for every tenant
Score: 10
Single choice
5) What is Elasticsearch?
A big data storing tool
A search tool used to identify the data stored in a relational database
Another relational database
Score: 10
Single choice
6) Which statement about Elasticsearch is false?
Elasticsearch is a cross-platform tool
Elasticsearch is a free product
Elasticsearch needs Java to run
Elasticsearch needs a separate web application server
Score: 10
Quiz - web.config explained

Top of Form
Single choice
1) Which of the parameters below are among the most important ones when it comes to queues?
Score: 10
Single choice
2) Which of the following statements related to Organization Units is false?
Users can be granted access to zero or more OUs
NuGet packages are separated by OU
Users have the same roles on all OUs they can access
There is one OU even if the feature is not activated
Score: 0
Single choice
3) Which UiPath component uses the NuGet.Activities.Path parameter?
UiPath Studio, after downloading new activity pack versions, to save them in the repository indicated by NuGet.Activities.Path
UiPath Studio, to look for the latest activity versions
The robots to download a specific activity pack version when needed
Score: 10
Single choice
4) What is the use of the NuGet.Packages.Path parameter?
Indicating the location of the NuGet packages as an URL, from either the local intranet or the public cloud
Indicating the location of the NuGet packages as a local folder, a shared folder, or the URL of an online NuGet repository
Indicating the location of the NuGet packages as a local folder or a shared one
Score: 10
Single choice
5) Where can the messages generated by the Orchestrator web application be stored?
In a target of the standard File type, if that target is created manually
In Elasticsearch in a separate index, using the serverElasticBuffer target; 

In a target of the standard File type, if that target is created manually.

In Elasticsearch in a separate index, using the serverElasticBuffer target
Only in Windows Event Log, because that log allows access to administrators only
Score: 10
Single choice
6) What is the recommended way to create multiple tenants?
By turning Tenant.Registration.Enabled to true until all the tenants are created, and then turning it back to false; this is the recommended option, because the tenant creators can set their own password and no one else knows it.
By logging in to the “host” tenant as an administrator, creating the tenants, and communicating the admin password to each tenant administrator; even if the creator knows the admin password of every tenant, that can be changed after the first login.
Score: 10
Single choice
7) Where can the minLevel and maxLevel attributes in the <nlog> section be used?
In the <targets> section
In the <rules> section
Score: 10
Single choice
8) What happens when Windows Integrated Authentication is used?
Only the users in the same domain as Orchestrator can authenticate with their Windows identity
The users in the same domain as Orchestrator can authenticate with their Windows identity, and also the users in different domains, if there is a TRUST relationship between the two domains
Score: 10
Quiz - Security Consideration

Top of Form
Single choice
1) Which of the following statements about the security features implemented on the UiPath components is false?
A robot needs to be provisioned in Orchestrator before it can connect to Orchestrator
A robot can’t connect to Orchestrator if Orchestrator uses a self-signed certificate
A new version of the automation package is not executed until it’s manually declared as “Current” in Orchestrator
Installation of Orchestrator requires an SSL certificate
Score: 10
Single choice
2) Which of the following statements is true if Orchestrator and CyberArk are integrated?
Orchestrator can obtain the robot passwords from CyberArk
Orchestrator can obtain the passwords of the users that connect to Orchestrator’s web interface
Orchestrator can obtain the passwords stored as Credential assets from CyberArk
Score: 10
Single choice         
3) Which is the recommended security protocol version required in Orchestrator?
SSL 2.0
TLS 1.2
TLS 1.1
SSL 3.0
Score: 10
Quiz - Installation and update

Top of Form
Single choice
1) Which of the following statements about the MSI Installer is false?
The wizard attempts to connect to SQL Server before starting the installation, to validate the server, instance, and port
The wizard verifies the presence of the mentioned SSL certificate
The wizard verifies the account and the password if a domain account for the Application Pool identity is provided
The wizard verifies the availability of the port that is mentioned in the corresponding page of the wizard
The wizard verifies whether the account used to connect Orchestrator to the database has the dbcreator server role
Score: 10
Single choice
2) If an Orchestrator 2017.1 instance installed using scripts is updated to 2018.1 using the MSI installer, which of the following statements is true?
The existing website is updated to the new one, so no manual action is required afterwards
A new website is created and everything is copied and migrated from the old website to the new one; no manual action is required after the update
A new website is created; the EncryptionKey, machineKey, and apiKey parameters in the old web.config file have to be copied to the new one, and the NuGet packages of each individual tenant have to be copied from the old location to the into the new one, namely ./NuGetPackages/Tenants/tenant name
Score: 10
Single choice
3) Which of the following statements related to the Orchestrator MSI installation is true?
The prerequisites are the same as the ones for the installation using scripts, except for the WebDeploy extension, which is not required with the MSI installation
The prerequisites are no longer valid, because the installer does everything
The prerequisites are the same as the ones for the installation using scripts
Score: 10
Single choice
4) The Orchestrator update using scripts can only be performed if the previous version was installed using scripts as well. Which of the following statements related to the update is true?
The existing site is updated; the keys in web.config are preserved, and new ones are added if necessary
The existing site is updated, but the existing web.config file is not, so new keys are not added
A new site is created; the packages and the content in web.config are copied to the new site; the old site is not affected
Score: 10
Quiz - Robot setup

Top of Form
Single choice
1) The following statements describe how a robot can be connected to Orchestrator when the Robot Key is unknown. Which statement is false?
By running UiRobot.exe after installation with the --connect command and providing the connection string, if the robot machine is in the same domain as Orchestrator and Windows Authentication is enabled
By running the MSI installer with the CONNECTIONSTRING parameter, if the robot machine is in the same domain as Orchestrator and Windows Authentication is enabled
By starting the Settings dialog box with elevated rights and filling in the connection string
By editing the UiPath.Settings file to enter the connection string
Score: 10
Single choice
2) Can a robot be connected to Orchestrator when a proxy server restricts the connection?
Yes, if the proxy does not require authentication and a section about the proxy is added to UiRobot.exe.config
Yes, if a section about the proxy is added to UiRobot.exe.config, even if the proxy requires authentication
Score: 10
Single choice
3) If a self-signed certificate is used in Orchestrator, to which location on the robot machine should the public key of the SSL certificate be imported to connect that robot to Orchestrator?
Local computer, Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store
Current user, Personal Store
Local computer, Personal Store
Current user, Trusted Root Certification Authorities Store
Score: 10
Single choice
4) Can a robot be moved from a tenant to a different one?
Yes, if the robot is disconnected from the initial tenant, where it has a Robot Key, and then connected to the new tenant, where it has a different Robot Key
Yes, if the TenantID value is edited in the connection string in UiPath.settings
Score: 10
Quiz - Database Maintenance

Top of Form
Single choice
1) Why it is recommended to archive and delete the old unused data in Logs and Queue Items, and to keep only the items registered in the last few days?
Because the memory requirements of SQL Server increase when the data is not deleted
Because large amounts of data affect the current operations and slow down the performance of Orchestrator
Because there are reports that need to be performed monthly, quarterly, and yearly
Because the old items occupy disc space
Score: 10
Single choice
2) What should the Orchestrator backup procedure include?
The SQL Server database and the Elasticsearch indices
The SQL Server database, the NuGet Packages, the web.config file and the Elasticsearch indices
The SQL Server database
The SQL Server database and the NuGet Packages
Score: 10
Single choice
3) Why is the SQL Server database maintenance necessary?
To update the table and index statistics, which better determine execution plans
To reduce the space occupied on disc by shrinking the database files
To reindex the tables that have accumulated many rows since the last maintenance operation
To prevent any problems, to ensure smooth functioning, to free up disc space, to check for data errors, to update internal statistics, etc
Score: 10
Quiz - Hardware Requirements

Top of Form
Single choice
1) Which server has the highest hardware requirements for a given number of robots?
Web application server(Orchestrator)
SQL server
Score: 10
Single choice
2) When is a NLB needed?
When there is more than one tenant defined in Orchestrator
When Orchestrator is installed in cluster mode
When there are several separate Orchestrator installation instances that operate independently
When there is a single Orchestrator installation instance
Score: 10
Quiz - Final

Top of Form
Single choice
2) Which of the following security protocols is the minimum requirement in Orchestrator?
SSL 3.0
TLS 1.1
TLS 1.2
SSL 2.0
Score: 10
Single choice
6) When does the Orchestrator update procedure require special attention to the number of rows in the Logs table?
When updating from 2016.2 to 2017.1, because a new index is added to the table
When updating from 2017.1 to 2018.1, because a new index is added to the table
When updating from 2016.2 to either 2017.1 or 2018.1, because the index did not exist in 2016.2 and is necessary in all the later versions
When updating from 2016.2 to 2018.1, because a new index is added to the table
Score: 10
Single choice
10) What are the types of clients that can connect to the Orchestrator web application?
UiPath Studio and UiPath Robot
UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot and the browser for the Orchestrator’s web interface
UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot and a program or script that calls Orchestrator’s REST API methods
UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot, the browser for the Orchestrator’s web interface and a program or script that calls Orchestrator’s REST API methods
Score: 10
Single choice
16) Why is the Time Zone setting useful when there are multiple tenants?
To accurately display the logging time of the messages sent by robots that belong to separate tenants located in different time zones.
To specify the time zone of the robots for each particular tenant, in case the time zone of the robots and the one of the tenant are different, in order to appropriately calculate the time to start scheduled jobs.
To indicate the geographical location of the tenants for administrative purposes, such as calculating a common maintenance window.
Score: 10
Single choice
19) When the UiPath Robot Service, or the Agent, retrieves credentials from Orchestrator to create an interactive Windows session, how is the password sent?
Encrypted, using the secure HTTPS channel
As a plain, unencrypted text, using the secure HTTPS channel
As an unencrypted Secure String, using the secure HTTPS channel
Score: 10

