UiPath - RPA Awareness Training- Quiz Answers

These are some of the questions that may appear in the lesson quizzes of the course, the green one are the correct answer, and the red ones are incorrect. Not all of them were answered correctly, but at least you will know the incorrect one XD.(Still watch the videos of the training and try to do it yourself, Happy Automation!)

Single choice
1) Which UiPath component executes processes?
Score: 10
Multiple Choice
2) What are the benefits of RPA implementation?
The technology is non-invasive, which means that companies do not need to make changes to existing legacy systems when implementing RPA
Increased compliance by eliminating human error
Cost reduction and Rapid ROI - An RPA robot costs a fraction of an FTE and can work 24/7/365; the ROI occurs in 6 to 9 months, due the high speed of automation
Improved customer experience - RPA boosts the quality of the services delivered by minimizing manual intervention, errors and work duplication, while rapidly decreasing processing times, which leads to better SLAs
Mainly FTE saving – without FTE saving, the automation is not taken into consideration
Score: 10
Multiple Choice
3) What is Robotic Process Automation?
An industrial robot that involves using physical machines and control systems to automate tasks within an industrial process
Automation that perfectly emulates repetitive tasks performed by human workers through the User Interface
Automation that interacts with computer-centric processes through a software User Interface
Score: 10
Single choice
4) What are the phases of an RPA journey?
Assessing the RPA capability, building a Business Case, running a POC or a Hackathon, Enabling a COE, initializing the pilot RPA project, evaluating the pilot and documenting the learned lessons, stabilizing the project in production, finishing the project
Assessing the RPA capability, building a Business Case, running a POC or a Hackathon, enabling a COE, initializing the pilot RPA project, evaluating the pilot and documenting the learned lessons, institutionalizing the RPA solution
Score: 0
Multiple Choice
5) What are the advantages of each CoE type?
Federated COE: Regular exchange of best practice across different business units must be enforced
Centralized COE: Expertise; the learned lessons and the best practices are more easily disseminated
Hybrid COE: Decreased risk of prioritization challenges due to smaller and dedicated RPA COEs
Score: 10
Single choice
6) What processes should I automate?
Semi-automated processes that involve high transaction volumes and are liable to change in the next 3-6 months
Simple, stable, manual, and repetitive processes with high transaction volumes and standard electronic input type
Complex processes that involve judgmental decisions
Score: 10
Multiple Choice
7) Which of the robot types below are currently provided by UiPath?
Back-office robots
Unattended robots
Front-office robots
Attended robots
Score: 10
Multiple Choice
8) What are the disadvantages of each CoE type?
Centralized COE: Automation prioritization challenges
Hybrid COE: Discrepancy in know-how between the main and the smaller RPA COEs
Score: 0
Single choice
9) Which UiPath component provides robot management capabilities?
UiPath Studio
UiPath Orchestrator
The entire UiPath ecosystem
Score: 10
Single choice
10) What is the UiPath designer tool?
Score: 10

