UiPath - Level 2 Orchestrator 2018.3 - Quiz Answers

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These are some of the questions that may appear in the lesson quizzes of the course, the green one are the correct answer, and the red ones are incorrect. Not all of them were answered correctly, but at least you will know the incorrect one XD.(Still watch the videos of the training and try to do it yourself, Happy Automation!)

Multiple Choice
1) How can a job be initialized using Orchestrator?
    Manually, from the Jobs page
    At specific times, using Schedules
    Jobs cannot be initialized in Orchestrator
Score: 10

Single choice
2) What is a transaction?
    A job that was added to a Queue
    A process that was added to a Queue          
    A set of arguments that was added to a Queue and has been processed by a robot
    The execution of a process
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
3) What filter types are available for Jobs?
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
4) Which activities can be used to retrieve information from an asset?
    Get Credential
    Get Transaction Item
    Get Text
    Get Asset
Score: 10

Single choice
5) What is Orchestrator used for?        
    Running windows processes on the local machine
    Remotely controlling any number of robots and performing workflow management
    Designing workflows to be run by robots in a supervised mode
    Designing workflows to be run by robots in an unsupervised mode
Score: 10

Single choice
6) When should the Add Log Fields activity be used?
    When the standard log message has to be customized by adding new fields to it
    When logs need to be enabled
    When a log message with a maximum number of five visible fields needs to be generated
Score: 10

Single choice
7) Where can you check whether a job was scheduled or manually started?
    This information is not available
    Go to the Jobs page and check the Source column
    From ‘Job Details’
Score: 10

Single choice
8) What happens if the status of a Transaction that is “In Progress” is not updated within 24 hours?
    The transaction remains in the *Queues* section until a Robot processes it
    Its status is changed to Abandoned
    It is automatically removed from the *Queues* section
    Its priority is increased by one level
Score: 10

Single choice               
9) Which command immediately terminates a running process?
Score: 10

Single choice
10) Can the parameters of the main workflow be inserted from the Orchestrator?
Score: 10

Single choice
11) What happens if an active package version in Orchestrator is deleted?
    That specific package version and all the processes using it are removed from Orchestrator
    That specific package version will be removed from Orchestrator; all the processes which have been using it will automatically switch to the latest package version available
    Active packages cannot be deleted
Score: 10

Single choice
12) Can the parameters from the Orchestrator overwrite the ones existing in the Main file of the process?
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
13) Assets can be:
    Per Environment
    Per Robot
    Per Machine
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
14) What are the statuses that can be set manually for the transactions that failed due to an application exception?
    In Review
    It’s not possible to set the status of any failed transaction manually
Score: 10

Single choice
15) The Schedule ‘stop after’ option refers to:
    The amount of time until that specific Schedule becomes outdated
    The amount of time until the scheduled process will be canceled/terminated
    The Stop After option does not exist.
Score: 10

Single choice
16) What is the order of precedence for parameters modification?
    The modifications have the same priority, regardless of the place in which they are executed
Score: 0

Multiple Choice
17) How can the processes in a schedule be assigned to the robots in a specific environment?
    Processes can run on all the robots in an environment
    Processes can run on specific robots in an environment, depending on the user's choice
    There is no way to assign scheduled processes to robots
    Processes can be selected to run on specific robots from the robot tray in Windows
Score: 10

Single choice
18) Which Studio activity is linked with the Stop command in Orchestrator?
    The Should Stop activity
    The Cancellation Scope activity
    The Press Terminate activity
    The Is Over activity
Score: 10

Single choice
19) What is the easiest way to manage the Items that were assigned to you for Review?
    By using the Review Requests Menu
    By going to the Transactions Menu and modifying each specific Queue.
    You cannot assign reviewers to failed transaction items in UiPath.
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
20) Is it possible to reprocess a transaction in a Queue after its failure due to an application exception?
    No, transactions cannot be processed again if they fail
    Yes, if the Auto-Retry property of the Queue is enabled
    Only transactions that failed due to a business exception can be reprocessed
    Yes, it can be retried manually on the Transactions page
Score: 10

Single choice
21) What happens if a new job is triggered while the robot it is assigned to is executing a different process?
The new job is left in a ‘Pending’ state until the robot finishes executing the process. The new job is executed as soon as the robot becomes available
The system generates the following error message: “This robot is not available at the moment”
A pop-up suggests a list of available Robots to start the new job
Score: 10

Single choice
22) A Robot is executing a workflow that uses the “Log Message” activity, with ‘Info’ level specified. If the log level of the Robot is set to ‘Error’, will the Info log appear on the Orchestrator Log page?
Yes, all log messages will be listed on the Orchestrator Log page, regardless of the level
No, only the log messages of type ‘Error’ and ‘Critical’ will be displayed on the Orchestrator Log page
Score: 10

Single choice
23) How are Robot Keys generated?
Robot Keys are automatically generated by each robot and can be found in the Robot Tray
Robot Keys come with the license
Orchestrator generates unique Robot Keys during the robot provisioning process
Robot Keys are generated via UiPath Studio
Score: 10

Multiple Choice                                   
24) Which options and actions can be triggered on the Packages page?
View all published packages
Delete package versions
Link a package to a process
Add a new package manually
Score: 10

Single choice
25) Is using the ‘Publish’ button in Studio the only way to upload a package to Orchestrator?   
Yes, packages can only be published from Studio
No. Packages can also be published via the Packages page in Orchestrator
Score: 10

Single choice
26) Is it possible to check whether a Robot that is connected to Orchestrator is available or not in real time?
Yes, this is possible through the Heartbeat mechanism; the status of each robot is updated on the Robots page
This is only possible when attempting to run a Job
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
27) How can a process be allocated to three different robots?
By deploying the process in the environment of the robots, which run it automatically
By creating a job and selecting all three robots
It is not possible to allocate a process to three different robots
By scheduling the process and adjusting the settings in the Execution Target tab accordingly
Score: 0

Single choice
28) When does a process become available in the Robot Tray?
All the processes deployed in Orchestrator are available in the Robot Tray by default
When a job is created using the current Robot
When a package is deployed in the same environment that the Robot is part of
All the processes published from the local machine are available in the Robot Tray by default
Score: 0

Single choice
29) There are 3 robots in the "ABC" environment. How can the execution of a package be assigned to all 3 of them? 
By adding all 3 robots and the package in the same environment
By navigating to the Processes page to pair the package with the intended environment, and then going to Jobs, selecting the intended/targeted process, and clicking Start
By running the job on each robot individually, using the package name
Packages cannot be run on all the robots in an environment
Score: 10

Single choice
30) What is the purpose of the Queues section in Orchestrator?
To store lists of robots that process scheduled jobs in a certain order
To store lists of processes that are executed by multiple robots
To store lists of jobs that are executed by multiple robots
To store data that is processed by multiple robots
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
31) Which of the steps below are required in order to establish a connection between a robot and Orchestrator?
Provisioning the Robot in Orchestrator
Configuring the Robot on the local machine using the Orchestrator URL and the Robot key
Making sure that the local machine on which the robot is running and the Orchestrator are part of the same LAN or VPN
Score: 10

Single choice
32) Process 1 has been deployed in the “A” environment. Robot X has been added only to environment “B”. Can Process 1 be assigned to Robot 1?
Score: 10

Single choice
33)  How can a process that has more package versions be updated?
Processes are updated automatically when new versions of the deployed packages are published.
By going to Processes, selecting the targeted process, clicking View Versions and selecting the desired option
The only option is to deploy a new process with the desired package version.
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
34) Which of the following data types can be stored as Assets?
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
35) Which options can be used to stop a running process?
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
36) Which parameters are mandatory to be defined when creating a new environment?
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
37) Select only the specifications that are mandatory when deploying a process:
The robots on which the process is run
The package name
The package version
The environment
Score: 10

Single choice
38) How can you see only the jobs that ran on attended robots?
By selecting “Agent” from the Source Filter in the Jobs menu.
By selecting “Attended“from the Robot Filter in the Jobs menu.
By selecting “Unattended” jobs from the Robot Filter in the Jobs menu.
Score: 0

Multiple Choice
39) Which of the following Properties can be used as Filters for the Review Requests Menu?
Score: 10

Multiple Choice
40) Select the charts included in the Orchestrator Dashboard:
Job results

Score: 0 


